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Considerations for assessing Salmonella, E. coli and Shigella clusters for further follow-up
New or updated multi-jurisdictional1 Salmonella, E.coli or Shigella cluster considered genetically related by WGS2
Assessment and Review
Prioritization based on the following considerations, as relevant:
- Serotype frequency
- Number of cases in the cluster
- Allele range and branching
- Demographic profiles
- Isolation date ranges (or available dates)
- Presence of a nonclinical isolate in the cluster
- NML’s prioritization level
- Historical context (what we have previously learned about the cluster)
- How the isolates in the cluster relate to each other & all other isolates in PNC database
- Other unique or potentially interesting features
Potential follow-up with P/Ts for available exposure information, taking into account purpose of follow-up and number of requests to P/Ts
Further investigation, if warranted based on review of available information
Note: these are intended to be guidelines; if additional information on clusters is available and suggests that further follow-up on clusters not meeting these criteria is warranted, CFEZID may initiate follow-up.
1 Clusters are considered multi-jurisdictional when they contain human isolates from 2 or more P/Ts
2 Guidelines for WGS interpretation are determined by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory