Enteric Outbreak Seminar Series

Image showing Enteric Outbreak Seminar Series logo. Image reads: Enteric outbreak Seminar Series. Sharing experiences of enteric illness outbreak investigations in Canada; novel approaches, research, special projects, and changes in policy and practice.


The Enteric Outbreak Seminar Series (EOSS) centres around the broad theme of enteric illness outbreak investigations in Canada. Although presentations and discussion will be primarily technical in nature, and focus on enteric illness outbreaks, more general policy issues or trends in public health or food safety may also be brought forward for feedback and discussion.

The EOSS is organized by the Outbreak Management Division at the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).


  • Increase awareness of successes and challenges in multi-jurisdictional outbreak investigations among public health and food safety partners
  • Communicate and advance knowledge of important enteric disease outbreak information to partners at the Federal, Provincial/Territorial, and Local levels
  • Demonstrate and highlight leadership in enteric illness outbreak investigation work in Canada, including aspects of surveillance, response, or ongoing projects
  • Acknowledge important work being done by partners across Canada
  • Establish informal dialogue among the enteric illness outbreak investigation world and bring partners together


Participation in EOSS is open to a wide audience, but may be of particular interest to:

  • Public health professionals, health professionals, technical experts, and policy and program delivery professionals (e.g. Public Health Inspectors) from federal, provincial/territorial and local governments across Canada, academia, and non-governmental organizations who work in the field of enteric illnesses and outbreak investigation.
  • Professionals in other sectors (e.g. environment, municipal planning and design) that may be interested in enteric illness outbreak investigations in Canada.
  • Undergraduate and graduate health sciences and public health students

Date and Time

Seminars are held virtually via Zoom and are presented in English, with real-time French interpretation offered.

The next seminar is scheduled for: TBD.


Registration for the next EOSS session is currently closed

Past Seminars

The Enteric Outbreak Seminar Series was launched in June 2023. A complete list of our past seminars will be available soon.