Download the alternative format
(PDF format, 390KB, 3 pages)
1. Download “Epi curve exercise.xls”.
- Save a copy of the spreadsheet to your computer.
- Begin in the “Step1” tab
2. Make a column chart
- Select data, including column headings
- Click Insert > Column > Stacked 2D column
3. Format the chart
- Remove the gridlines: right click on one of the gridlines, select Format Gridlines > No Line
- Remove the chart border: right click on the chart, select Format chart area > Border color > No line
- Format y axis: right click on the axis, select Format axis > Axis options, change major unit to “1”
- Reduce space between bars to zero: right-click on one bar, select Format data series > Series options and reduce gap width to 0%
- Delete title and legend for now
4. Adding a new series (this is what will allow you to have each case as a box)
- Copy the following into columns H and I (or any other empty columns).
- Select/highligh cells H1 to I29, click CTRL+c to copy, click on the chart
- Click Home > Paste > Paste Special > Add cells as “New series”, Values (Y) in “Columns”, select “Categories (X Labels) in First Column” and then select “OK”.
5. Change the new series graph type to a scatter point (xy) line type
- Right click on one of the newly added bars from Step 4 and select Change series chart type
- Select XY (Scatter) – Scatter with straight lines, click OK
6. Final formatting
- Format the right y axis: right click on the axis, select Format axis > Axis options, change maximum to 10 (and minimum of 0)
- Delete the right axis
- Format the top x axis: right click on the axis, select Format axis > Axis options, change maximum to 1 (and minimum of 0)
- Delete the top x axis
- Format the lines: Right click on the lines, select Format data series. i. Line colour > Solid line, colour = white. ii. Line style, change width to 1
- Borders to bars: Right click on one of the boxes, select Format data series i. Border color > Solid line, colour = white. ii. Border styles, increase width to 1
- Add legend, and axis titles, standardize font sizes and alignment