Salmonella Hypothesis Generating Questionnaire

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Questionnaire Background for Interviewer

This questionnaire is designed to collect comprehensive information on possible risk factors for salmonellosis. It is designed for cluster/outbreak investigations where the source of infection is unknown, but the questionnaire could be applied to investigate sporadic cases. The exposure period for this questionnaire was extended to 7 days to reflect the observation that many Salmonella outbreaks have median incubations periods >3 days,

Data captured: – Case demographics             – Food exposures

                         – Clinical information              – Pet exposures

                         – Laboratory information         – Other risk factors

Since outbreaks of salmonellosis are often linked back to contaminated food products, it is critical to collect as much detail as possible on food exposures.  Therefore this questionnaire has both an open ended food history followed by a detailed check list of food items; this may seem repetitive but is used to ensure all possible food exposures are captured. Please collect as much details as possible for each item, including restaurant exposures.  Also consider using a calendar to probe and collecting receipts, purchase data or loyalty cards if available.

The questionnaire is estimated to take 45 – 60 minutes to complete

For local use only – please remove this page if sending to PHAC

I. Case information

Case Name:

Proxy Name:

Health Card Number:  

Street Address:


Postal Code:

Home phone:

Work phone:

Cell phone:


Physician Phone:


Place(s) of employment:

II. Symptoms

Date of first symptom onset (dd/mm/yy):   d_______ / m_______ /  y______                     Asymptomatic: ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK


Diarrhea*  ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK                                                                                         Fever ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK                        Abdominal cramps ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK

Bloody diarrhea ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK                                                                               Headache ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK                 Nausea ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK

Vomiting ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK                                                                                            Other: ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK                       If other, specify:

*(3 or more loose stools in a 24 hour period)

Underlying conditions or medications that suppress the immune system (e.g. pregnancy, diabetes, cancer, steroids)? ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK

If yes, please specify:

III. Ill Contacts

Were any of (your/case’s) contacts ill with similar symptoms in the 7 days before (you/case) became ill?  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK If yes, can you tell me who?

*Contacts include household members, sexual partners, individuals who prepared food for (you/case), children or adults that (you/case) assisted with bathroom use or diaper change, or other individuals with whom (you/case) may have come into contact with their vomit and/or stool

Name:___________________________________________             Gender:                                Phone Number: ___________________________         

Relationship to case:________________________________                 Age: ________                Date of diarrhea onset:  d____ / m____ /  y______

Name:___________________________________________               Gender                               Phone Number: ___________________________         

Relationship to case:________________________________                 Age: ________                Date of diarrhea onset:  d____ / m____ /  y______

Name:___________________________________________              Gender                                Phone Number: ___________________________         

Relationship to case:________________________________                 Age: ________                Date of diarrhea onset:  d____ / m____ /  y______

Salmonella Hypothesis Generating Questionnaire

Section 1: Case information

Case Interviewed by:

Date of interview: d____ / m____ /  y______

Health Unit/Authority:

Date reported to Health Unit/Authority:   d____ / m____ /  y______



Respondent was: ☐ Case   ☐ Parent   ☐ Spouse   ☐ Caretaker   ☐ Other, specify: ______________________________

Gender:   ☐  M     ☐  F     ☐  Another Gender      ☐  Not asked/Unknown     

Age: _________     

Section 2: Clinical information

Section 2. Clinical Information                                                                                                                                                                       Provincial lab ID: 

To be filled out by interviewer


Whole genome sequencing cluster code:

Positive specimen type(s):

☐ Stool   ☐ Blood    ☐ Urine   ☐ Other, specify:  ______________     

                                                                                                                              Date of first positive specimen collection:  d_____ / m______ /  y______

Date of first symptom onset: d_______ / m_______ /  y______

Asymptomatic:   ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Date of diarrhea onset: d_______ / m_______ /  y______

Admitted* to hospital because of the illness?  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

*Do not include individuals who visit an emergency room or outpatient clinic

Date of admission: d______ / m______ /  y______

Date of discharge: d______ / m______ /  y______            ☐ Still hospitalized

To be filled out by interviewer

Case deceased?     ☐ Y   ☐ N          Date of Death: d______ / m______ /  y______

                                      If yes, was Salmonella infection the underlying/contributing cause of death?     ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

                                      If yes, was determination based on death certificate?                                         ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Section 3: Travel information

In the 7 days before onset of illness, that is from d____/m_____/y_____ through d____/m____/y____, did (you/case) travel within or outside of Canada?  

              ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK              If yes: ☐ Within Province/Territory   ☐ Other Province(s)/Territory(ies)   ☐ Outside Canada

             Specify travel destination(s) (country/town/resort):

             Departure:   d____ / m____ /  y______                        Return:   d____ / m____ /  y______

Section 4: Special Diets or Food Preferences

First I would like to ask some general questions about (your diet/case’s) diet and food preferences.

Are (you/case) a vegetarian?   ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

If yes, do (you/case) ever eat:      Eggs      ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK    Dairy         ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK       Fish          ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

                                                                      Poultry   ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK    Red meat  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK      Other Meat  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK   

                                                                                                                                                                                  If yes, specify: ________________

Are (you/case) allergic to any foods ?   ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK     If yes, specify which foods:

Are there any foods/food groups that (you/case) never eat?   ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK If yes, describe:

In the 7 days prior to illness, were (you/case):

              On a special or restricted diet? (e.g. raw food diet, vegan, diabetic diet, kosher, halal)               

                   ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK     If yes, describe: ____________________________________________________________________________

              Taking a dietary or nutritional supplement? (e.g. meal replacements, protein powder, vitamins, herbs, kratom)  

                   ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK     If yes, describe (include purchase location): _____________________________________________________

              Did you consume any bottled, pre-made health drinks? (e.g. Kombucha, coconut water)  

                   ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK     If yes, describe (include purchase location): _______________________________________________________

Section 5: Foods eaten outside the home

In the 7 days prior to illness onset did (you/case) eat food outside home at a social gathering or at any of the following food establishments? (including food taken from a restaurant and eaten at home and samples eaten at establishments such as grocery stores)?

Type of Gathering/Establishment Name(s):

Details of food(s) eaten

Social gathering or event (e.g. family or friends house, snacks at work, conferences, wedding or parties)

☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

If yes, are you aware of anyone else who became ill with diarrhea following the gathering?

☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

 If yes, number ill? ______

Event name/description:




Date of gathering: d______ / m______ /  y______


Number attended:


Did you eat any fast food or at other restaurants? This could include food or drinks from a coffee shop, cafeteria, street vendor, concession stand or convenience stores.  Also list any samples from a grocery store.

Food Establishment Name



Food ordered/Eaten

















Additional details from above-listed food establishments:


Section 6: Home Food Purchases

Where do (you/case) usually purchase food for home consumption? This includes grocery stores, farmers markets, specialty stores, food banks, or online purchases such as Amazon, or other e-commerce.

*Consent form for collecting loyalty card information is available from your provincial/territorial health authority or PHAC 










Store/website name:




Purchased food online (delivery or curbside pick-up)  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Are receipts, invoices, email notifications available? ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Loyalty Card?  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Would you be willing to share your loyalty card number and purchase information with us?

 ☐ Y   ☐ N








Store/website name:




Purchased food online (delivery or curbside pick-up)  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Are receipts, invoices, email notifications available? ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Loyalty Card?  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Would you be willing to share your loyalty card number and purchase information with us?

 ☐ Y   ☐ N  








Store/website name:




Purchased food online (delivery or curbside pick-up)  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Are receipts, invoices, email notifications available? ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Loyalty Card?  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Would you be willing to share your loyalty card number and purchase information with us?

 ☐ Y   ☐ N  








Store/website name:





Purchased food online (delivery or curbside pick-up)  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Are receipts, invoices, email notifications available? ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Loyalty Card?  ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK

Would you be willing to share your loyalty card number and purchase information with us?

 ☐ Y   ☐ N  

Additional details from above-listed stores. If applicable, include information on typical purchases from specialty/online stores, details on purchase method, and if the case is willing to share receipts, invoices, etc.



Section 7: Meal delivery kit purchase

In the 7 days prior to illness onset did (you/case) consume food prepared from a meal delivery kit (e.g., Goodfood, Hello Fresh, Chef’s Plate, Red Apron, etc)?

☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK      If yes please provide details below.

Purchase Information:

Meal names, consumption dates, ingredients and substitutions:

Name of company:

Date of delivery:

Are receipts, invoices, email notifications, or recipe cards available?

 ☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK


Section 8: Seven Day Food History

I’d like to talk to you about the foods/drinks (you/case) consumed before (you/case) got sick. Starting with the day (you/case) first developed symptoms:

(Interviewer note: please probe regarding where foods were eaten and how they were prepared, e.g. prepared and eaten at home, eaten at a restaurant, take-out, ready-to-eat meal, frozen dinner, etc.)

Day of illness (dd/mm/yy)                                                                              ▢ M ▢ T ▢ W ▢ Th ▢ F ▢ Sat ▢ Sun








1 day before illness (dd/mm/yy)                                                             ▢ M ▢ T ▢ W ▢ Th ▢ F ▢ Sat ▢ Sun





2 days before illness (dd/mm/yy)                                                             ▢ M ▢ T ▢ W ▢ Th ▢ F ▢ Sat ▢ Sun








3 days before illness (dd/mm/yy)                                                             ▢ M ▢ T ▢ W ▢ Th ▢ F ▢ Sat ▢ Sun








4 days before illness (dd/mm/yy)                                                             ▢ M ▢ T ▢ W ▢ Th ▢ F ▢ Sat ▢ Sun


Lunch Dinner Snacks




5 days before illness (dd/mm/yy)                                                          ▢ M ▢ T ▢ W ▢ Th ▢ F ▢ Sat ▢ Sun


Lunch Dinner Snacks





6 days before illness (dd/mm/yy)                                                              ▢ M ▢ T ▢ W ▢ Th ▢ F ▢ Sat ▢ Sun


Lunch Dinner Snacks





7 days before illness (dd/mm/yy)                                                          ▢ M ▢ T ▢ W ▢ Th ▢ F ▢ Sat ▢ Sun



Dinner Snacks







Section 8: Food Exposures


I am interested in the food you ate during the 7 days before your illness onset date; that is from d____/m_____/y_____ through d____/m____/y____.  For each food item please give me your best guess as to whether you ate the food, you’re not sure but you probably ate the food, or you did not eat the food. Please include food eaten on their own, or as part of a salad, sandwich, or dish.


For each food item that the case consumed ask follow up questions regarding the brand, location of purchase. Please select an answer for each question or indicate if question not asked

Yes – indicates case ate the food                                               DK – indicates case doesn’t know if they ate the food

Prob. – indicates the case probably ate the food                       No – indicates case did not eat the food







IMPORTANT. Please complete in as much detail as possible

Type / Variety / Brand

Where purchased or eaten:

Specify grocery store or restaurant name


Any chicken (not including deli meat)

If yes, please specify type(s) below







Store-bought breaded chicken (e.g. nuggets, strips, burgers)







Store-bought stuffed chicken products (e.g. chicken Kiev, chicken Cordon Bleu)







Ground chicken







Any chicken pieces or parts (e.g. roasted whole chicken, breasts, wings, thighs, in soups, or as part of a dish, not including deli meat)

If yes, specify:___________________







Other chicken (not including deli meat)

If yes, specify:___________________







Any turkey (not including deli meat)

If yes, please specify type(s) below







Ground turkey







Any turkey pieces or parts (e.g. roasted whole turkey, breasts, wings, thighs, in soups, or as part of a dish, not including deli meat)

If yes, specify:___________________







Other turkey (not including deli meat) (e.g. turkey bacon)

If yes, specify:___________________







Other poultry (not including deli meat e.g. Cornish hen, duck)

If yes, specify:___________________








Eggs (e.g. scrambled eggs, omelets)

If yes, specify ____________







Eggs consumed raw or undercooked (e.g. “runny” or “over-easy”), anything made with raw eggs (e.g.  raw cookie dough, cake batter, sauces, homemade ice cream, mayo, salad dressing, or in a drink)

If yes, specify:___________________








Any pork (not including deli meat)

If yes, please specify type(s) below







Ham (not including deli meat)














Ground pork







Any pork pieces or parts (e.g. pork roasts, ribs, chops, in soups, or as part of a dish, not including deli meat or ham)

If yes, specify:___________________







Other pork (not including deli meat)

If yes, specify:___________________









Any beef (not including deli meat)

If yes, please specify type(s) below








Any ground beef (e.g. hamburgers, lasagna, chili)

If yes, specify:___________________








Hamburgers (e.g. hamburger patties)

If yes, please specify type(s) below








Hamburgers home-made from ground beef








Store-bought frozen beef patties








Store-bought fresh beef patties








Hamburger from a restaurant








Any other ground beef (e.g. meatballs, chili, spaghetti)

If yes, specify:___________________








Ground beef consumed raw or undercooked (e.g. undercooked hamburgers or kibbeh)








Whole cut beef (e.g. roasts, ribs, steaks, in soups, or as part of a dish, not including deli meat)

If yes, specify:___________________
















Other beef (not including deli meat)

If yes, specify:___________________










Any deli meats/cold cuts (e.g. Bologna, salami, pepperoni, turkey, ham)

If yes, please specify type(s) below








Pre-packaged deli meat

If yes, specify: ___________________








Deli meat sliced at the deli counter

If yes, specify: ___________________








Hot dogs or corn dogs

If yes, heated before eating  ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ DK









If yes, please specify type(s) below








Beef sausage








Pork sausage








Chicken sausage








Turkey sausage









If yes, specify: ___________________








Dried/cured meat products (e.g. beef jerky, dried sausage, summer sausage)

If yes, specify:___________________








Pâté/meat spread

If yes, specify:___________________
























Any kind of game/country food (e.g. venison, pheasant, rabbit, caribou, seal, quail, moose, bison)

If yes, specify:___________________








Any organ meats (e.g. liver, kidney, heart)

If yes, specify:___________________
















Other meat, excluding fish/seafood

If yes, specify:___________________










Any fish (including fresh, canned, jarred, frozen)

If yes, please specify type(s) below








Smoked fish (e.g. smoked salmon)

If yes, specify:___________________








Fish – eaten raw (e.g. sushi, tartare, sashimi, ceviche)

If yes, specify:___________________








Other fish (e.g. fresh, frozen, cooked, dried)

If yes, specify:___________________








Any Shellfish

If yes, please specify type(s) below









If yes, was it eaten raw ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ DK









If yes, was it eaten raw ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ DK









If yes, specify:___________________

If yes, was it eaten raw ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ DK








Any oysters

 If yes, was it eaten raw ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ DK








Any other shellfish (e.g. scallops, cockles, crab, crayfish, lobster)

If yes, specify:___________________

If yes, was it eaten raw ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ DK








Other seafood or seaweed products

If yes, specify:___________________










Pasteurized dairy milk

If yes, specify:___________________








Unpasteurized (raw) milk

If yes, specify:___________________








Non-dairy milk (e.g. soy, almond, coconut, rice, cashew, oat)

If yes, specify:___________________








Other non-dairy products/substitutes (e.g. non-dairy, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream)

If yes, specify:___________________








Powdered milk products (e.g. powdered milk, Carnation, Ovaltine)








Whipped/whipping cream








Sour cream








Ice cream/gelato

If yes, specify:___________________








Frozen dairy desserts








Desserts containing milk or cream (e.g. cream filled pies/pastries, pudding)

If yes, specify:___________________
















Other dairy products

If yes, specify:___________________










Any cheese

If yes, please specify type(s) below








Cheddar cheese








Mozzarella cheese








Parmesan cheese
















Feta cheese








Any Brie, camembert or other soft cheeses

If yes, specify:___________________








Any blue-veined cheese such as blue cheese or gorgonzola

If yes, specify:___________________








Any cottage, ricotta or other fresh cheese

If yes, specify:___________________








Any cheese made from goat/sheep milk

If yes, specify:___________________








Any other cheese that is typically sold as a block or cut from solid blocks or wheels (e.g. Emmental, jarlsberg, monterey jack, havarti, colby, oka)

If yes, specify:___________________








Processed cheese (e.g. sliced cheese, cheese string/tubes, from a jar)

If yes, specify:___________________








Any cheese made with unpasteurized (raw) milk

If yes, specify:___________________








Non-dairy cheese alternatives

If yes, specify:___________________








VEGETABLES Include raw or cooked vegetables (exclude vegetables purchased canned)


Any tomatoes, including any in a dish or meal such as a salad, sandwich, burger or taco

If yes, were they:








Cherry or grape








Any lettuce or leafy greens, including in a dish or meal such as a salad, sandwich, burger or taco

If yes, please specify type(s) below:









☐ prepackaged ☐ loose/head









☐ prepackaged ☐ loose/head









☐ prepackaged ☐ loose








Mesclun lettuce/spring mix

☐ prepackaged ☐ loose









☐ prepackaged ☐ loose









☐ prepackaged ☐ loose








Other lettuce/leafy greens

If yes, specify: ___________________

☐ prepackaged ☐ loose/head








Any commercially pre-packaged salad kits (e.g. in a bag or container, may include dressing, toppings), excluding prepared or ready to eat salads

If yes, specify:___________________








Any store-bought prepared or ready to eat green salads (e.g. prepared Caesar, kale, garden, chef’s spinach)

If yes, specify:___________________








Store-bought potato salad








Store-bought pasta salad








Store-bought other salad (e.g. Greek, quinoa, bean)








Any cabbage (e.g. whole, shredded cabbage, coleslaw)

☐ prepackaged ☐ loose/head









☐ prepackaged ☐ homemade








Any microgreens or sprouts including in a dish or meal such as on a sandwich or salad (e.g, bean or alfalfa sprouts, broccoli microgreens)

If yes, please specify type(s) below:
















Alfalfa sprouts








Bean sprouts








Other sprouts

If yes, specify:___________________









☐ English     ☐ Field     ☐ Mini








Bell peppers (e.g. red, green, yellow peppers)

If yes, specify:___________________








Hot peppers (e.g. jalapeno, serrano, habanero)

If yes, specify:___________________
















Carrots (not mini)








Mini/baby carrots








Peas (fresh, raw pea pods, snap peas, snow peas)








Green or yellow beans

































If yes, please specify type(s) below:








White/yellow onions








Green onions








Red onions








Other onions

If yes, specify:___________________
















Fresh garlic (not powdered)








Fresh ginger (not ground)
























Other vegetables

If yes, specify:___________________








Frozen vegetables








Fermented vegetables (e.g. kimchi, sauerkraut)








Vegetable juices (e.g. tomato juice, carrot juice)

If yes, specify:___________________








FRUIT Include raw or cooked fruits (exclude fruits purchased canned)


Fruit salad/pre-cut fruit or fruit platter









If yes, please specify type(s) below:









☐ Fresh    ☐ Frozen    








Honeydew melon

☐ Fresh    ☐ Frozen    









☐ Fresh    ☐ Frozen    








Other melons

If yes, specify:___________________

























☐ Fresh    ☐ Frozen    









☐ Fresh    ☐ Frozen    
























Citrus fruits (e.g. oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes)

If yes, specify:___________________









If  yes, please specify type(s) below:









☐ Fresh   ☐ Frozen    ☐ Dried       









☐ Fresh   ☐ Frozen    ☐ Dried       









☐ Fresh   ☐ Frozen    ☐ Dried       









☐ Fresh   ☐ Frozen    ☐ Dried       








Other berries (e.g. cranberries, gooseberries, tayberries)

If yes, specify:___________________








Bag of mixed frozen fruit or berries

































☐ Fresh   ☐ Frozen    ☐ Dried       









☐ Fresh   ☐ Frozen    ☐ Dried       

















☐ Fresh (including ready-to-eat seeds)  ☐ Frozen

















☐ Fresh    ☐ Frozen    ☐ Dried/shredded








Avocado (including guacamole)

☐ Fresh   ☐ Frozen
















Other fruit

If yes, specify:___________________








Unpasteurized apple cider or fruit juice

If yes, specify:___________________








Smoothies made with fresh or frozen fruit or produce, made at home or purchased fresh-made from a store, restaurant, or café








Bottled, pre-made smoothie










Fresh basil

☐ Thai     ☐ Conventional








Fresh cilantro/coriander








Fresh parsley








Other fresh herbs (e.g. oregano, dill, mint, rosemary, chives, thyme)

If yes, specify:___________________








Any dried herbs or spices

If yes, specify:___________________











☐ Fresh (e.g. pico de gallo)     ☐ In a jar or can








Hummus purchased from a store or a restaurant (excluding home-made)








Any other dip

If yes, specify:___________________










Frozen pizza








Frozen pot pies








Frozen meals in a bag or box (e.g. stir fry, frozen dinners)

If yes, specify:___________________








Frozen snack foods/appetizers (e.g. mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers, fries)

If yes, specify:___________________








Other frozen foods, (e.g. desserts, waffles)

If yes, specify:___________________










Any nuts on their own, mixed, as a butter/spread or home made nut milk, in granola bar, as a garnish or as part of a dish

If yes, please specify type(s) below:








Peanuts (excluding peanut butter/spread)








Peanut butter/spread








Almonds (excluding almond butter/spread)








Almond butter/spread
















Hazelnuts/filberts (excluding hazelnut butter/spread)








Butter/spread containing hazelnut (e.g. Nutella)








Cashews (excluding cashew butter/spread)
















Other nuts (e.g. macadamia, Brazil nuts, pistachios, pine nuts)

If yes, specify:___________________








Nut paste, butter or spread (e.g. Brazil nut butter, pistachio butter)

If yes, specify:___________________








Sunflower seeds








Butter or paste containing sunflower seeds








Sesame seeds








Tahini, halva, or other products made from sesame seeds, including homemade hummus








Chia seeds/ chia seed powder








Flax seeds/ flax seed powder








Other seeds (e.g. pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds)

If yes, specify:___________________










Any wheat flour (e.g. all-purpose flour used for baking, cooking, playdough)








Eat, taste, or lick any uncooked or unbaked dough or batter made with wheat flour (e.g. cookie dough, cake or muffin batter)








Any plant-based meat substitutes (e.g. tofu, veggie burgers or hotdogs)

If yes, specify : __________________
















Other plant based meat substitute

If yes, specify : __________________








Dried fruits (e.g. raisins, cranberries, apricots)

If yes, specify:___________________








Granola bars, power bars or other protein bars

If yes, specify:___________________








Chips or pretzels

If yes, specify:___________________








Other prepackaged snack food (e.g. crackers, cookies, snack cakes)

If yes, specify:___________________








Chocolate or chocolate-containing candy

If yes, specify:___________________








Any food or drinks containing cannabis as an ingredient (e.g. brownies or other baked goods, gummies or candies, chocolate, oils, teas, juices or sodas, etc.)

If yes, specify:___________________








Cold breakfast cereal

If yes, specify:___________________








Hot breakfast cereal (e.g. oatmeal, cream of wheat, porridge)

If yes, specify:___________________








Section 10: Risk Factors

Finally, I’d like to ask you about other exposures. In the 7 days before onset of illness did (you/case):

Live in a residential institution? ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK

(e.g. Nursing home, long term care facility, prison, boarding school)


Attend a day care or day facility ? ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK

(Child or adult)

Name/location :

Attend school ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK


Work/volunteer as a food handler ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK


Handle any raw chicken ? ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK

Handle any raw eggs? ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK

Use the following sources of drinking water? (check all that apply)

▢ Municipal ▢ Well/Private water source ▢ Bottled water, specify: ▢ Other, specify:

Swim in/go into the ocean, a lake, a river, a pool or a hot tub?

▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK If yes, specify type of water source and location:

Have any contact with companion animals, or pets, (including cats, dogs, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, etc) or their waste (including feces, bedding, litter, aquariums, etc), either at home or outside of the home?

☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK    If yes, specify type of animal(s): _________________  location(s): _________________

Have any contact with farm animals, or livestock (such as cattle, goats, sheep, horses, chickens/chicks, petting zoos, etc) or wild animals (including wildlife, zoo animals, etc), or their waste (including feces, bedding, litter, etc)?

☐ Y   ☐ N   ☐ DK    If yes, specify type of animal(s): _________________  location(s): _________________

Handle any animal foods/treats in the 7 days prior to illness onset? ▢ Y ▢ N ▢ DK

If yes did (you/case) handle:

Details (type, brand):

▢ Raw pet food


▢ Dry pet food


▢ Canned/wet pet food


▢ Treats derived from animal parts (e.g. pig ears, rawhide, cow hooves)


▢ Processed animal treats (e.g. chews, biscuits)


▢ Rodents/insects for reptiles


▢ Animal feed


▢ Other

If yes, specify:


Section 11. Demographics

My final question asks about your race or racial background. In our society, people are often described by their race and consider themselves to be “White” or “Black” or “South Asian”. This information is being collected to understand who is being infected with Salmonella to help guide our investigation.

(Interviewer note: if a case is uncomfortable with answering, skip the question).

Which race category best describes you? Select all that apply from the options:

☐ Black (e.g. African, Afro-Caribbean, African Canadian descent)

☐ East/Southeast Asian (e.g Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Indonesian, other Southeast Asian descent)

☐ Indigenous (e.g. First Nations, Inuk/Inuit, Métis descent):    ☐ First Nations ☐ Inuk/Inuit ☐ Métis

☐ Latino (e.g. Latin American, Hispanic descent)

☐ Middle Eastern (e.g. Arab, Persian, West Asian descent – for example, Afghan, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Turkish, Kurdish)

☐ South Asian (e.g. South Asian descent-for example, East Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Indo-Caribbean)

☐ White (e.g. European descent)

☐ Other group, specify: _________________________

☐ Unsure/prefer not to answer

Notes/General Comments

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